On June 30, the Cape Ann Sunday Morning Hiking Group will partner with Cape Ann Trail Stewards (CATS) for a hike around historic Pole Hill in Gloucester's Riverview neighborhood. Our guide will be Sandy Barry, who is the CATS steward for the area. Aside from spectacular views, Pole Hill features several large boulders that align to mark the summer and winter solstice and are believed to have been moved into position by Native Americans in the area 2000-4000 years ago.
We will follow a 1 mile loop trail to explore the site, enjoy the views and learn about this Native American solar observatory. This is an easy hike with some scrambling over rocks, and will take just over an hour.
We will meet at Whistlestop Mall in Rockport at 9:50 AM for carpooling, and depart promptly at 10:00 AM. The access road to the site is off Riverview Road in Gloucester, which is the the first left off Wheeler Street, coming up from Washington St. See the map. If driving there separately, please arrive at the starting point no later than 10:10 AM. Parking is limited, with space for 3 cars on the access road into the site and just a few more along Riverview Road., so carpooling is encouraged.